Six common mistakes made by cat owners

Almost all cat owners share one thing in common: they love their cats. However, many of them also fail to realize that cats require specialized care. This lack of understanding often leads to mistakes in providing care for cats. Some of these mistakes are more serious than others, but some prove to be fatal.

01. Many cat owners mistakenly believe that they can use products that they have purchased for their dog on their cat as well. Unfortunately, this is quite often not true. Many products that are safely used on dogs can actually cause fatal reactions when used on a cat. Examples of these products include many of the flea and/or tick medications marketed for dogs. Another example is pet grooming products that contain ingredients like tea tree oil. Always check the label for any product you use on your cat and follow the directions carefully. Never use products that do not specifically say "for use on cats."

02. Some people mistakenly believe that the medications they take for their own illnesses or discomforts are safe for their cats also. This is often untrue. Aspirin and acetaminophen (Tylenol) are two good examples. Both of these medications can be dangerous for your cat. Never administer any medications to your cat without checking with your veterinarian first.

03. Weight issues are a big problem for many cats. It is estimated that roughly 50% of our domestic pets are overweight. For cats, a little extra weight can be a big problem. It can predispose your cat to develop diabetes, degenerative diseases like arthritis, and much more. Keeping your cat at a lean body weight will keep your cat healthier and give him a longer life. So, feed your cat a high quality diet, measure his food daily if he has a tendency to gain weight and keep him at his ideal body condition.

04. Another common mistake is not caring for the litter box properly. Litter boxes need to be kept clean and odor free. After all, would you want to use a dirty bathroom? Households with more than one cat need to have more than one litter box also. Make sure the litter box is of an appropriate size and the sides are an appropriate height for the cat or cats using the box. Senior cats and small kittens may need litter boxes with lower sides. Large cats may require larger litter boxes. Failing to look after your cat's litter box properly could lead your cat to abandon his litter box and start urinating or defecating in less desirable areas of your home. It could also lead to bladder disease and other health problems.

05. Regular grooming needs to be part of the routine for all cats but these are chores that many owners overlook or simply forget in the daily activity of their lives. Grooming activities should include brushing/combing, keeping toenails trimmed, cleaning ears and brushing teeth. Failure to perform these duties may lead to a matted hair coat, skin disease, ingrown toenails, ear problems and dental disease.

06. Many cat owners forget that their cats need regular veterinary care. It can be a hassle to get your cat to the veterinarian and it's a trip that most cats do not appreciate. However, regular veterinary care can play a huge role in keeping your cat healthy and extending your cat's lifespan. Veterinary care should include regular examinations, vaccinations as necessary, routine fecal examinations, heartworm preventive medication in areas where heartworms are problematic and regular blood screens, especially for middle-aged to senior cats. Feline leukemia and feline AIDS status should be determined for all cats by performing an appropriate blood test as well.

Most of these mistakes are easily avoided as long as you, as a cat owner, are aware of them. Avoiding these mistakes will keep your cat healthier and happier. It will also ensure he will lead a longer life.


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