Protect your cat from accidental poisoning

In the region of 40% of calls made to pet poison hotlines are because of felines ingesting human or veterinary drugs. Cats have complicatedness metabolizing some drugs due to their altered liver metabolism, particularly as compared to dogs and humans. Common drugs such as NSAIDS are some of the most lethal to cats. When ingested, NSAIDS can result in severe, acute kidney failure and gastrointestinal injury. Similarly, a single Tylenol tablet can be fatal to a cat. Left untreated, it can cause severe anemia, difficulty in breathing, liver failure, a swollen face and death. Cats also seem to like the taste of certain antidepressants, which may have an appealing flavor or scent in the coating. With any accidental medication ingestion, you must contact your veterinarian right away...

Poisonous plants are the second most frequent toxin that cats get into, and represent roughly 14% of feline-related calls. Lilies, be they true lilies, the Tiger, Asiatic, Day, Oriental, Japanese Show or Easter—they are the most deadly because Easter, Oriental, ingestion can cause severe, acute kidney failure. Since these beautiful flowers are inexpensive fragrant, and long-lasting, florists often put them in bouquets. Tiny ingestions of two or three petals or leaves, even the pollen, can result in potentially irreparable kidney failure. Even the water in the vase can be prospectively poisonous to cats. Instantaneous veterinary care is of the essence. The Calla and Peace lily, though not true lilies contain insoluble oxalate crystals that can cause minor symptoms, such as irritation in the tongue, mouth, pharynx and esophagus, but they do not cause kidney failure.

Insecticides comprise around 9% of feline-related poisonings. Exposure to household insecticides can occur when a cat walks through an area that was treated with garden and lawn products, powders, granules, or sprays. Cats are also characteristically accidentally exposed to household insecticides when cat owners apply a canine topical flea and tick medication onto a cat. Dog-specific insecticides containing pyrethroids or pyrethrins are highly toxic to cats. Tremors severe drooling and life-threatening seizures can take place. Always-always read labels very carefully before using any kind of insecticide and consult your veterinarian about appropriate topical flea and tick medications for your cat. Even some holistic flea medication can be extremely dangerous to cats.

Exposure to household cleaners accounted for approximately 6% of feline-related poisoning called in. Many cat owners don’t even know that some common household cleaners such as bath and kitchen surface cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, carpet cleaners, and even laundry detergents can be deadly to cats. Symptoms can include difficulty breathing, profuse drooling, vomiting, and even organ damage. After cleaning your home, make sure all excess residues is wiped or flushed out as soon as possible. Only permit your cat back into the cleaned areas after the products have entirely dried. When you store cleaning products, keep the lids on tight and also keep them out of your cat’s reach.

Glow sticks and jewelry contain an awfully bitter tasting liquid named dibutyl phthalate. While only on the odd occasion deadly, just one lone bite into glow sticks can cause your kitty to drool profusely... Should this happen, tender your cat to drink some chicken broth or canned tuna in water, not oil, but don’t use force. This will help eliminate the bitter taste from the mouth. Get rid of the glow sticks and clean up any remaining liquid to thwart re-exposure because cats may persist in grooming the bitter dibutyl phthalate from their fur. A bath may be needed to remove any glowing liquid from his/her skin. If you observe squinting, redness to the eyes, continued drooling, or not eating, contact your veterinarian on the triple!


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