Why do cats do that? 10 cute, silly and quirky cat behaviors explained

Image: Pixabay.com
Every cat owner has seen their cat engage in some strange, cute, and sometimes annoying behaviors. Perhaps you've seen your cat chew on plastic bags or shrink wrap, or perhaps you have your own Maru in your house, who jumps into every single box you leave open no matter how small it may be.

Maybe you have an ankle-biter; a cat that hides just around corners for the sole purpose of attacking your feet and ankles as soon as you walk past, or maybe he just brings hair ties to you all day long while crying like a kit that's lost its mother.

In fact (and this is especially true if you're longtime cat owner), you've probably found yourself staring after your cat, scratching your head and wondering, "Why do cats do that?!" Then you turn back to whatever you were doing, or walk away, still scratching your head in confusion. Here are ten of the most common cat quirks and behaviors explained.

01. Why do cats lick and chew plastic?

There are several theories for this. One is that some plastics are made with rendered animal fat, which cats might be able to smell. Another has to do with cats being attracted to shiny and crinkly objects. The original question on PetPlace had to do with plastics being coated in gelatin, which might attract cats. It's probably not a good idea to let your cat play with plastic at all, but if you must, make sure it's under very close supervision and that they're not tearing pieces off. If they swallow some, it could make them very sick.

02. Why do cats like boxes?

Cats love looking for new hiding places, an empty box provides that potential opportunity, and if it's a new box, so much the better. New and unfamiliar boxes are new hiding places. Just make sure they can easily get in and out so they can play when you're not around.

03. Why do cats sleep so much?

There can be a number of reasons for this, but for a healthy, playful house cat, a lot of energy is expended while stalking socks, pouncing on fingers under sheets, and chasing the ever-elusive little red dot. They also expend a lot of energy chasing each other.

04. Why do cats bring presents?

They could just think we "hoomans" are too stupid to hunt for ourselves and therefore they are trying to feed us, but in reality, they bring us presents because they consider our homes worthy of being their den, and also as an offering. Whether it's something as innocuous as a hair tie or dirty sock, or a little more "gross" like a dead animal, accept the gift with praise and affection, because your cat is likely seeking approval.

05. Why do cats attack feet and ankles?

This is "play aggression," and he says that cats often do this because they haven't been played with enough and they want to play hunt. Your feet and ankles are moving by, and it resembles, in some way, their prey or their toys. He advises establishing a regular play routine with your cat if you'd like this to stop.

06. Why do cats like to knead on soft things?

The most common explanation for this is that, because they instinctively did it to help bring forth milk from their mother's teats, they carry that behavior into adulthood because it's comforting and relaxing. It also helps them to work out kinks while they're stretching. It may also act as a way to check possible nesting spots for unwelcome visitors in the wild, and be a way for a female cat to show a male she's ready to mate.

07. Why do cats look you straight in the eye, and slowly blink?

This is known as a "kitty kiss," and is a way for a cat to say it likes you, trusts you, and is comfortable with you. Try blinking slowly back, and see what your cat does. You might even start having "blinking conversations" with her.

08. Why do cats sometimes make their tails quiver all over?

When cats do this, it's generally because they're both happy and excited. You might see your cat do this while rubbing against the door where his food is kept, or when he greets you when you get home from work. Not all cats do this, but when they do, the tail is usually straight up or elevated and arched. This is not to be confused with tail swishing or wagging, which mean totally different things.

09. Why do cats groom each other? Or you?

Cats like to groom as a way of showing affection, and as a way of bonding with each other. When they lick or groom you, it's their way of bonding with you and showing their affection for you.

10. Why do cats like our computers?

There could be a lot of reasons for this, but one major reason is that computers are warm. Another could be that she's vying for your attention; by disrupting what you're doing, you have to pay attention to her. It may also be that she's attracted to what's on the screen, particularly if there is a lot moving around.


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